Ted Cruz Ends Christian Blacklist At Elite Institution With Threat Heard Round The World


Ted Cruz just made his move on an ivory tower liberal institution at the heart of many things wrong with America.

Noam Chomsky, a hardcore liberal, even bashed these institutions saying the more time one spends in Ivy league colleges the dumber one becomes.

He was talking of course about the herd-like mindset taught at these schools that then permeates every part of America as those students often become leaders in America.

When Harvard teaches future bankers that it is ok to loot companies and move jobs offshore in the name of progress and that unions are outdated, it matters.

If there is no counterweight, no one to stick up for American jobs, we lose them. Which is why we elected Trump.

Likewise, if no one sticks up for Christians and their rights, we will lose them too.

From The Washington Examiner:

Sen. Ted Cruz is opening an investigation into Yale Law School for what he claims is discrimination against students with “traditional Christian views” and threatened legal action if they do not cooperate.

The Texas Republican sent a letter, dated Thursday, to Yale Law School Dean Heather Gerken notifying her that he will investigate a new law school policy which Cruz said stems from “unconstitutional animus and a specific discriminatory intent both to blacklist Christian organizations and to punish Yale students whose values or religious faith lead them to work there.” Cruz believes that Yale’s policy change could deny financial assistance to students based on the religious affiliation of the organization for which they choose to work.

Cruz warned Yale “the investigation may include a subpoena… or a referral to the Department of Justice for action against the school” and said that the letter was “notice of [Yale’s] obligation to take reasonable steps to retain all … information relevant to this investigation and potential litigation.”

In a two-page letter sent on behalf of the Senate Judiciary’s Constitution Subcommittee, of which he’s chairman, Cruz described Yale’s recent policy to “no longer provide any stipends or loan repayments for students serving in organizations professing traditional Christian views or adhering to traditional sexual ethics” as “transparently discriminatory.”

The policy applies to summer public interest fellowships, postgraduate public interest fellowships, and the types of public interest careers for which students receive loan forgiveness for the school.

Yale’s dean previously said a committee had decided “unanimously” that Yale’s nondiscrimination policy extends to Summer Public Internship Fellowship program, its Career Options Assistance Program, and post-graduate fellowships. In the summer of 2018, Yale spent $1.8 million on its Summer Public Internship Fellowship program, helping financially support dozens of Yale students “working in public interest, government, and not-for-profit organizations.” In just 2017, Yale provided $5.2 million in educational loan payment assistance to hundreds of graduates “who choose lower paying positions.”

Cruz’s letter raises the concern that those millions of dollars of assistance could now be unavailable to certain students or graduates based on the religious affiliation of the group for which they might choose to work.

Cruz said Yale’s new policy was apparently motivated by a desire “to blacklist Christian organizations like the Alliance Defending Freedom and to punish Yale students whose values or religious faith lead them to work there.” The ADF is an openly Christian legal nonprofit that says its mission is protecting “religious freedom, sanctity of life, and marriage and family.” The ADF’s Blackstone Legal Fellowship is popular among some conservative law students.


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