Adam Schiff’s Congressional Opponent Rips Adam For Wasting Taxpayer Money On Impeachment


Adam Schiff’s congressional challenger Jennifer Barbosa is hoping to make Adam pay for the impeachment debacle he is leading.

The Democrats gambled and lost on impeachment as it seems impossible the GOP Senate will vote to convict and remove.

The backlash will be swift and we are already seeing a tightening of the polls if not an outright swing against the Democrats for impeaching Trump.


African American support is surging for Trump according to two new polls showing him at 34%.

If those numbers are legit and if they hold they spell doom for the Democrats in 2020.

Barbosa is taking the fight to Adam Schiff pointing out how ineffective he has been by claiming that he hasn’t passed any legislation since 2012 and he has done nothing to stop the homeless epidemic.

“Adam Schiff has been my congressman since 2012. He became my congressman through the redistricting process,” she told Fox News.

“Since he became my congressman he has not presented any legislation that’s become law.

In terms of homelessness, what he’s done is he’s basically rubber-stamped Maxine Waters’ bill to deal with homelessness, and her bill essentially replicated the same failed policies that Mayor Garcetti has implemented in our city over the past few years.

“We know they’re not working,” Barbosa continued.

“So, what we need to do in terms of homelessness… we need to stop allocating federal funds for affordable housing which costs $500,000-700,000 per unit and really focus on mental health services for the people who are living on the street.”

“Seeing the impeachment inquiry, when he’s wasting all these resources — we know that Ken Starr’s impeachment cost about $70 million,” she said.

“That’s $70 million that really could be spent on much better things in our district.”



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